Religious Education
Here at Unity Church, it is our goal that each young person receives a structured liberal religious education. Our Religious Education program aims to:
Shape the Heart
Nourish Character
Liberate the Spirit
Affirm the wondrous potential of each unique and precious child
The children are included in the first part of the service with the entire congregation on Sunday mornings. After a sharing time with our children early in the service, church school meets until the service is over, approximately from 10:45 am to 11:30 am.
Nursery Care is provided for children under three from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Due to Covid Services are Virtual
Cooperative Church School
Our church school is a cooperative one. Adults are actively involved as teachers and rehearsal leaders, or they make an equivalent commitment to the program.
When children see their parents actively and enthusiastically involved in the church school, they become more actively involved themselves. We strongly urge both fathers and mothers to participate. Each year, nearly 40 people are needed to act as teachers, assistants, rehearsal leaders, and to provide other kinds of help.
Remember, there is no "they." "We" must be available to our children. We hope you will consider the church school one of your priorities.
Our Program
At Unity Church, each child can expect to be exposed to the following themes:
Unitarian Universalist History and Identity
Our Judeo-Christian Heritage
World Religions
Peace and Social Justice
We explore these themes through formal curricula in the fall, through play rehearsal and performance in the winter, and through special events, mini-courses and activities in the spring.
Contact Us About RE
(508) 238-6373